
This is the development log made for my honors capstone project.

My capstone project was on the topic of a year plus worth of work after the COSI network had to be mostly reconfigured. To get into it more, what happened was that COSI has (hopefully "had" now) some old hardware that was vital to the network. Specifically, the fiber switches (previously F1 and F2). F1 had two power supplies and one already failed before this all happened.

When I was a Junior on my winter break (around Jan 2023) students recieved emails about power outages that kept occuring on campus. A bit later, there was a spam of messages from Discord (I was pinged a lot because I was lab director then) that the network was down. Good way to learn the term "scream test" (credit to Jonathan for teaching me that).

Anyways, the short story of it was that the fiber switch died and there was no connection between COSI and the internet. This point of time was not documented in my development logs originally, but I may still write about it.

Why is there a development log? Well, It was the best way to keep track of all I did as I made this into my capstone project for the Clarkson Honors program. Now I will record it here to be in the appendix of the paper. It could be interesting for someone to read one day. Or myself.

You may have already gotten the vibe of this already, but these are all my pure thoughts. There may be swearing. Have fun looking at this and I will attach my final capstone here as well.

I am not the only person who worked on this, and I appreciate everyone who did. I tried to make sure things get done, but I also tried not to be too pushy, especially after I gave up my lab directorship and other people were becoming more and more willing to participate. I believe a lot more cool stuff could be done, but you will see what held us back in the writing.

Okay, that seems fitting for the intro right now. Can always change it later. Happy reading and if you are a reviewer for my capstone... well... good luck to me then.

General Notes

I noticed there were times when I said that I would elaborate in my documents and then I never did. There are also some very undescriptive logs. To remedy this, I will have a summary of what happened each month, as well as add clarifying notes. Notes in the logs will be in the format (Notes).